1:- Reverse barbell curl

The Reverse Barbell Curl is an effective exercise that targets the brachioradialis, the muscle in the forearm, along with the biceps
2:- Wrist Curls

The wrist curl is a weight training exercise for developing the wrist flexor muscles, the muscles in the front of the forearm.
3:- Plate pinch

A plate pinch is an exercise that involves pinching a weighted plate between your hands to strengthen your grip and forearms
4:- Farmer’s Walk

Farmer’s walk. Hold a heavy dumbbell in each hand. Pull your shoulders back and down and puff your chest out. Start walking,
5:- Dead hang

DEAD ARM HANG · For this grip exercise, hold on to the pull up bar with a shoulder-width grip in dead hang position for as long as you can.
6:-Forearm plank

These forearm exercises improve grip strength and make it easier to lift, carry and hold things. Plank with shoulder taps