1:- Chin ups

Chin-ups primarily target the biceps, back and shoulders, helping to build overall upper body strength.

2:- Ez-bar curl

The EZ bar is probably not the first piece of equipment you’d go for if we asked you to do bicep curls.

3:- Hammer curl

The hammer curl targets both the biceps brachii and brachialis, as well as the brachioradialis muscle on the forearm, for more overall thickness. 

4:- Alternating dumbbell curl

Targets both the long head and short head of the biceps, promoting overall muscle growth.

5:- Concentration curls

The concentration curl gets its name from the fact that it specifically targets the full length of your biceps brachii muscle

6:- Dumbbell preacher curl

Grab a single dumbbell in your right hand and sit down at the preacher curl bench.

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